Becoming Proficient In Trading: Exploring Its Benefits and Consequences
Mar 17, 2023 By Rick Novak

Trading is a tricky process and is only some people's cup of tea. To do trading, it is essential to have some knowledge about it. With knowledge, it is possible to generate profits from it. There are a few trading systems out there to do trading, and automated trading systems are one of them.

Automated trading, also known as algorithm trading, is a trading system many traders use to trade in financial markets. Today, it is booming as traders seek ways to maximize their profits. Automated trading systems facilitate traders to automate their trading systems by using computer algorithms for making decisions.

It comes with numerous benefits which assist traders in different manners. But along with the benefits it offers, it also includes some drawbacks. In the article, you will discover what the automated trading system is and its pros and cons. So, if you are ready to dive in, let's start with it.

What Does An Automated Trading System Be?

As the name specifies, an automated trading system is a trading system that executes various trading processes by using a computer program or software. All things are automated, including creating orders and buying and selling them. We can also say that it is a subset of algorithm trading.

The program maintains all the orders in an automated trading system and submits them to the exchange or market centers directly. It is becoming popular in the past few years due to the exciting aids it offers without putting any extra effort. The trading system aims to provide an extra profit margin to the traders by offering them the facility to execute numerous transactions simultaneously.

High-Frequency Trading (HFT) system is also an automated trading system. These systems can execute a high volume of trades in a short time, enabling traders to make a quick profit. However, these systems can be risky as they are vulnerable to market manipulation.

Hopefully, now you have a clear idea in mind about what is an automated trading system. So, let's move further and learn more about the benefits it offers to traders and its drawbacks.

Pros And Cons Of Automated Trading System

Although an automated trading system is a boon for traders, it has several benefits and drawbacks. Here are a few advantages and drawbacks of it.


There are various benefits that an automated trading system offers to traders and investors. Among them, a few of the benefits are as follows:-

  • Saves Time And Efforts:- It is a significant benefit of an automated trading system. The systems save a lot of time and effort by automating the processes which the process of executing trades includes.
  • Minimizes the risk of human error:- As these systems work on pre-defined computer programs, they follow the pre-defined instructions. This reduces the risk of human error and mitigates the losses incurred in manual trading.
  • Increases the speed of trading:- As compared to manual trading, the speed of executing a trade in an automated trading system is more. With these, traders can take advantage of the market opportunities by trading faster. It benefits more in a volatile market as speed is of the essence there.
  • Requires less devoted time:- Some traders need to devote a significant amount of time to trading. For them, the automated trading system is best as they can still take the advantage of the market without devoting excessive time. This is possible as they automate their trading strategies.


Despite the benefits of an automated trading system, there are also a few associated consequences and risks. The risks that these systems include:-

  • Dependence on the instructions:- As these systems work on the instructions pre-defined in the programs, and it is necessary to feed the correct instructions. If the instructions that are fed are incorrect or if the market moves in an unexpected direction, these systems fail and can suffer losses.
  • Vulnerable to market manipulations:- Since the systems are programmed to execute trades based on predetermined instructions, it is easy for malicious entertainers to exploit them. In such cases, it is essential to get assurance that the system is secure and timely addresses the potential susceptibilities.
  • Expensive to set up and maintain:- Because these systems require high computing power, they are expensive to operate. Also, they need regular maintenance checks to ensure they operate correctly.

Regulatory Considerations for Automated Trading Systems

When using automated trading systems, knowing the regulations that administer them is necessary. In most countries, the relevant financial authorities regulate the automated trading systems. In such cases, ensuring that the system is amendable with the relevant regulations is essential.

Also, it is important to research the rules and regulations that apply to the type of trading system traders consider. Additionally, it is consequential to ensure that the system addresses any potential vulnerabilities and is safe and secure. Doing so will help to get assurance that malicious actors do not exploit the system and that any losses that incur are kept to a minimum.


Who uses Automated Trading?

Mainly, the big brokerage houses and institutional investors use automated trading. But other investors and traders also use it for normal trading.

Is automated trading a good idea?

Yes, automated trading is a righteous concept. It allows users to perform multiple trading and execute various orders simultaneously. This enables the users to make more profit as compared to manual trading.

How profitable is automated trading?

Through automated trading, one can make huge profits but also face losses if he does not know better. With the right knowledge, one can make it a profitable career, resulting in long-term gains.


Hopefully, the article might help you in carrying out convincing trading. Although automated trading systems can be an effective tool for traders who wish to automate their trading strategies, it is important to understand both the benefits and risks of these systems.

This will help you make the most illuminated decision when considering their use. By unlocking the benefits and identifying the risks of automated trading systems, traders can make more informed decisions about the strategies they choose to pursue.

Also, you should be aware of scams and protect yourself from them. Various systems promise to give huge profits against low costs. So, research and check whether it is a legitimate platform before you opt for that platform for trading. Lastly, you should never forget that knowledge is necessary. You must have proper knowledge of trading before you trade.