Degrees Most Oil Companies Are Looking For
May 14, 2023 By Kelly Walker

Are you in the process of planning your next career move and aiming for a job with an oil company? If so, you must know which degrees employers are actively seeking. Having the right credentials will give you a major advantage during recruitment and help pave the way for success.

In this blog post, we'll look at some of the most sought-after degrees oil companies seek when recruiting new staff. So, keep reading to get ahead of the competition and maximize your chances of securing a rewarding role in this dynamic sector.

Overview of the Oil and gas industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the world's most important and influential sectors. Most energy that powers our society comes from petroleum-based products, so it's no wonder many people want to get involved in this field. As with any other career sector, though, there are certain degrees that oil companies are looking for in potential hires. Let's look at some degrees most oil companies will be keen to recruit.

Different types of degrees relevant to oil and gas companies

A degree relevant to the oil and gas industry can help you land a job in this field. The most common degrees oil and gas companies seek include engineering, geology, environmental science, and economics.

Engineering is an important part of the energy sector. Oil and gas firms need engineers to create new technologies that will help them extract and process materials more effectively. Common areas of engineering that apply to oil and gas companies include chemical, mechanical, electrical, and petroleum engineering.

Geology is also an important field for oil and gas companies, as geologists are needed to assess the potential for finding new reserves of oil or sources of natural gas. Geologists also need to be able to monitor the ground and survey the land, helping oil and gas companies make decisions on where to drill or explore.

Environmental science is an important part of any energy company as they must adhere to local regulations and consider how their operations will affect the environment. A degree in environmental science can show the company you are familiar with environmental regulations and best practices.

Finally, economics is an important field for oil and gas companies. These organizations need to understand how their decisions will affect the markets around them and how they can maximize profits while minimizing risks. In addition, understanding economic theories such as supply and demand can help oil and gas companies make informed decisions.

Overall, having a degree in any of these fields can provide an advantage when looking for jobs in the oil and gas industry. These degrees demonstrate to potential employers that you know necessary to help them succeed.

Common majors pursued by those interested in oil and gas

Jobs include petroleum engineering, geology, economics, environmental science, and law. Petroleum engineering is many oil companies' most sought-after degree in this field. It provides graduates with an understanding of drilling principles, fluid flow in porous media, reservoir engineering, and production operations. Geologists look for subsurface hydrocarbons and map out areas with potential oil reserves.

An economics degree provides knowledge of the energy market, acquirement, and trading, while an environmental science major covers legislation and regulations related to the industry. For those interested in law, a specialization in energy law may prove helpful when negotiating contracts or representing clients.

Regardless of your chosen field, it's important to thoroughly understand the oil and gas industry. This includes its history, technology, economics, and international aspects. Additionally, many employers look for candidates who have experience with software related to drilling and production processes.

To gain this knowledge and skillset, it's recommended that potential applicants take courses or internships in the field during their undergraduate studies. This will increase their chances of success when applying for a job in the oil and gas industry.

Advantages of having a degree in the oil and gas field

A degree in the oil and gas field can open various career opportunities with leading oil companies. The educational requirements for positions at these companies vary, but having an advanced degree is often necessary to access higher-level roles. Some of the most common degrees many oil companies seek include petroleum engineering, geology and goes sciences, and business.

Petroleum Engineering degrees specialize in exploring and producing oil, gas, and other energy sources. These degree programs teach students about drilling operations, reservoir engineering, well-completion processes, production systems, etc. Petroleum engineers are essential for various activities within the oil industry, from designing infrastructure to overseeing operations.

Geology and Geosciences degrees are also highly sought after by oil companies as they provide a better understanding of the earth's surface and subsurface. This type of degree focuses on analyzing rock formations and sedimentary processes to locate potentially productive areas for oil exploration. Geologists can also be involved in drilling operations and developing new techniques for extracting oil from the ground.

Business degrees provide a more holistic view of oil and gas companies, giving students an understanding of how these organizations operate. This degree is often helpful for those interested in management positions, such as operations manager or business analyst. These roles involve overseeing various departments, planning strategies, and managing budgets.

Having an advanced degree from any of these fields can give applicants a competitive edge when applying for jobs at leading oil companies. This educational background can help individuals understand the industry's complexities and how to best utilize their skills to succeed.


What profession finds oil?

The search for energy resources is a complex and extensive process requiring many professionals. Geologists, scientists, engineers, technicians, skilled laborers, and other professionals are involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas. Depending on their role in the industry, each profession may rely on different qualifications or educational backgrounds.

What is the biggest concern for oil companies?

The biggest concern for oil companies is the cost of operations. Oil companies must carefully consider their costs and revenues when making decisions about production and exploration. They must also be mindful of environmental regulations, labor laws, and health and safety standards.

Who are the biggest oil majors?

ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and Total are the world's biggest oil companies. These international corporations have operations in many countries worldwide and are some of the most influential players in the energy industry.


Becoming an oil and gas professional is a worthwhile endeavor with many potential advantages. It is important to understand the degrees and majors relevant to the industry and any certificates that may be helpful for career advancement.

Earning a degree specific to oil and gas could better equip you for challenges within the industry. Additionally, those who work in this field offer a unique set of skills to their employers, from improving efficiency to adding expert advice - investing in education will help you realize all of these impressive benefits.